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New SAHM Rhythm

New SAHM Rhythm

5 Ways to Navigate Being a New SAHM (Stay At Home Mom) Without Going Crazy. This blog is devoted to mothers who have suddenly found themselves to be in a position to be a Stay At Home Mom (SAHM) and are not sure how to navigate it. You see, when my husband and I made...
The Gift

The Gift

Have you ever received a gift that you didn’t like from someone but you had to pretend that you liked the gift? I mean, to be honest, I’ve had this happen to me. Or, can you think of a moment that you received truly the most wonderful gift you never could...
2018 Reflection

2018 Reflection

This year has been a fantastic one full of so many more highs than lows. For the first time in my life, I struggled with anxiety in a way that is completely unexplainable, but in Jesus Christ conquered it. And this year, I married my best friend of all time, the man...